Ernest Abitih, widely known as X-Shai, is emerging as the new face of Afrobeat. The Ghanaian-Nigerian-American artist is revolutionizing the genre with his unique...
Kumawood star and musician Kwadwo Nkansah, known as Lil Win, has taken a clear stand against endorsing political parties ahead of the 2024 elections....
Veteran Kumawood actress Rose Akua Attaa Mensah, widely known as Kyeiwaa, has urged Ghanaian youth to prioritize education, highlighting its critical role, especially for...
Spotify now supports Google’s Gemini Extensions, enabling users to search for and play music through the AI assistant using natural language commands. Initially discovered...
Google and the Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded their closing arguments in a critical antitrust case over Google’s online advertising dominance in a Virginia...